Reine Al Hallak
Team Assistant Finance and Controlling
Kaisa Amaral
Press and EU Communications Lead
Fabian Barrera
Project Lead PtX
Eleanor Batilliet
Project Manager Climate Neutral Industry
Fahimeh Beigi
Student Assistant Energy Data Visualisation
Marcus Berkenhagen
HR Manager
Christopher Berndt
Team Operations Officer Climate Neutral Industry
Nikola Bock
Events Lead
Charlotte Bodenmüller
Student Assistant Energy Data Visualisation
Matthias Buck
Director Europe
Yu-Chi Chang
Project Officer
Emir Çolak
Project Officer Hydrogen
Jessica D'Agostino
Receptionist and Coordinator internal events
Darlene D'Mello
Student Assistant Energy Data Analysis and Modelling Hydrogen
Simon De Stercke
Technical Project Manager
Matthias Deutsch
Programme Lead Hydrogen
Philip Laryea Doku
Student IT Support
Aaron Ehrlich
IT Support
Milena Fahrholz
Head of Finance and Controlling
Marco Giuli
Project Manager Climate-Neutral Industry EU
Janne Görlach
Manager Press and Communications Germany
Bettina Groß
Manager HR Projects (on leave)
Marie Haßheider
Head of HR
Manuela Henderkes
Zaffar Hussain
Project Lead PtX Africa
Leandro Janke
Project Lead Hydrogen
Frank Leo Jordans
Senior Manager Press and Communications Industry and Hydrogen
Project Manager Climate Neutral Industry Southeast Asia
Mathias Koch
Project Manager Hydrogen Policy Germany
Oleksandra Kovalenko
Manager Project Controlling and Grant Management
Samarth Kumar
Project Manager International Energy Data and Modelling
Paulina Lange
Energy Data Engineer
Alexandra Langenheld
Lead Efficiency Policy
Serena Lata
Officer Finance and Controlling
Thorsten Lenck
Programme Lead International Energy Data and Modelling Hub
Anna Liebold
Manager Project Controlling and Grant Management
Susanne Liebsch
Graphic Designer
Bhavya Linganna
Management Assistant
Ying Ma
Team Assistant Climate-Neutral Industry
Olaf Malden
Office Operations Lead
Karina Marzano Franco
Project Lead Industrial Transformation Brazil (on leave)
Gerald Matungamire
Student Assistant IT Support
Maxi Matzanke
Events Manager
Julia Metz
Programme Lead Climate and Industrial Policy Germany
Jahel Mielke
Director Communications
Simon Müller
Director Germany
Paul Münnich
Project Manager Climate and Industrial Policy
Bruno Naredo
Student Assistant Climate-Neutral Industry
Mackenzie Nelson
Senior Facilitator for organisational development and strategy
Hai Long Nguyen
Technical Manager
Fanny Odenthal
Officer Finance & Controlling
Camilla Oliveira
Project Manager Industry
Monika Olszewski
Manager Finanzen und Controlling
Ji Hyea Park
IT Operator
Caroline Paul
Project Officer Hydrogen
Frank Peter
Director Industry
Vincent Rebmann
IT Operator
Birgit Reck
Officer Project Controlling & Grant Management
Kathy Reimann
Programme Lead Climate-Neutral Industry
Andrea Reis
HR Manager
Louis Rischkau
IT Administrator
Helen Rolfing
Project Manager Climate-Neutral Industry
Sandy Rosenhauer
Senior HR Manager
Roman Rudnik
Manager Press and Communications Germany
Fatima Saleh
HR Manager
Saeed Sayadi
Technical Lead Data Visualisation, Analytics and Modelling
Emil Seubert
Team Assistant Hydrogen
Aylin Shawkat
Project Manager Climate and Industrial Policy
Julian Somers
Project Manager Climate-Neutral Industry (on leave)
Markus Steigenberger
Managing Director
Alexandra Steinhardt
Design & Production Lead
Frauke Thies
Executive Director
Utz Tillmann
Senior Advisor Industry
Elzbieta Torczynska
HR Officer
Stefan Vlcek
Manager Finance and Controlling
Niklas Wagner
Student Assistant Climate Neutral Industry
Victor Wagner
Team Assistant Communications
Li (Isadora) Wang
Senior Advisor China Industry
Gloria Watzinger
Social Media Manager
Janina Weihe
Team Assistant Communications
Anja Werner
Media Designer Print & Web
Marie Westhof
Student Assistant Industry
Grace Williams
Events Officer
Krisztina Zálnoky
Knowledge and Strategy Coordinator
This content is also available in: German
The interdisciplinary and international team of Agora Industry combines technical, economic and political expertise on a climate-neutral industry as well as on hydrogen. Under the executive management of the Agora Think Tanks, which also host the communication and administration staff, Agora Industry works in close exchange with the teams of Agora Energiewende and Agora Agriculture on the transformation to climate neutrality.