- Authors
- Thomas Mühlpointner (FutureCamp Climate GmbH), Alexander Scholz (Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie GmbH)
- Version number
- 1.1
- Publication date
19 September 2022
- Suggested Citation
- Agora Industry, FutureCamp Climate, Wuppertal Institute (2022): Power-2-Heat: Direct electrification of industrial process heat - Calculator for estimating transformation costs. Model version 1.1, Berlin, September 16, 2022
- Project
- This publication was produced within the framework of the project Power-2-Heat: Climate-neutral industrial process heat.
This content is also available in: German
Power-2-Heat Transformation Cost Calculator
This tool compares climate-friendly heat pumps and electric boilers with conventional gas boilers and cogeneration systems in industry.

About this tool
This transformation cost calculator provides a tool to compare the costs of climate-friendly production of industrial process heat by heat pumps and electric electrode boilers with a conventional natural gas-based process.
The overarching goals are:
- Identifying and quantifying the costs of climate-friendly production of industrial heat and comparing it to conventional processes.
- Defining a tool to support the assessment and discussion of specific projects and policy instruments.
- Creating a transparent basis for discussing the costs and benefits of transforming a production facility.
Its use for the assessment of specific projects is possible under the own responsibility of the parties involved, but it cannot replace a specific investment analysis.