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Agora International

Agora Industry is active in a variety of regions and countries and cooperates with a wide network of partner think tanks on the ground. Explore our international work.

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Our international partner network of Energy Transition Think Tanks

All partners in INETTT are committed to a clean and just energy transition. Among 25 energy transition think tanks in 23 countries across 4 continents, we share knowledge, build capacities, conduct reaserch and advise policy makers on accelerating the energy transition and climate neutrality.

INETTT Website

Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Str. 2 10178 Berlin Deutschland

Our Southeast Europe partner network

With 11 energy transition think tanks in 10 countries, we work to enhance a better understanding of the energy transition, and develop policy solutions on the way to climate neutrality. Together, we foster regional cooperation in Southeast Europe and encourage intensive dialogue with a broad range of energy transition stakeholders.

SE3T Website

Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Str. 2 10178 Berlin Deutschland