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21 June 2023

PTX Business Opportunity Analyser

The PTX Business Opportunity Analyser is an interactive Excel tool, designed to identify regions with promising business opportunities within the PtX value chain.

About this tool

The tool aims to promote the export of a wide range of PtX molecules, including amongst others, green ammonia, e-methanol and synthetic fuels. Users can calculate the delivered cost of PtX molecules from an export country to an import country, with a detailed cost breakdown comparison highlighting the competitive edge of one country against another.

The tool comes with a default dataset for all included countries to guide the user and provide a high-level overview using pre-feasibility level information, while also allowing the user to manually adjust all relevant variables to accommodate local inputs. Moreover, the tool connects the techno-economic analysis with relevant information on certification schemes and sustainability issues.

Download Requirements

Join our BOA mailing list to gain access to the Excel tool.
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To access the PTX Business Opportunity Analyser Excel tool file, kindly follow these steps:
  1. Click the "Subscribe to BOA mailing list" button to open the registration form.
  2. Fill out the form with your e-mail address.
  3. Upon form submission, you will receive an email containing a confirmation link.
  4. Click on the confirmation link to verify your e-mail address.
  5. Once verified, you will receive another email containing the password required for downloading the excel file.
  6. As soon as there are new information or updates regarding our tool, we will notify you via our newsletter.

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If you have any further questions or require assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out by sending an e-mail to boa@agoraenergiewende.de.

Video Tutorial

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In this video Markus Haller (Oeko-Institut) provides a comprehensive tutorial on utilizing this tool.


The PTX BOA uses technical reports published by third parties. Agora Energiewende and the authors of the PTX BOA trust but do not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the information provided by them. 

Our PtX BOA file works with Excel's macro function. It may be necessary to unblock the macros in order to ensure proper functionality of the Excel file. We highly recommend adhering to the instructions provided on Microsoft's official website for guidance:

All rights reserved by Agora Energiewende and Öko-Institut. The use of the methods and results is only authorised if Agora Energiewende and Öko-Institut are properly cited.

Bibliographical data

Christoph Heinemann, Dr. Roman Mendelevitch Markus, Haller Christian Winger, Susanne Krieger (Öko-Institut e.V.)
Version number
Publication date

21 June 2023

Suggested Citation
Oeko-Institut, Agora Energiewende & Agora Industry (2023): PTX Business Opportunity Analyser, Version 1.0.9
This publication was produced within the framework of the project PtX Hub.

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